Best Guide to Stay-At-Home Mom Schedule

Mom Blowing Bubbles With Son

Last Updated on April 11, 2022 by Ray

With school starting back up for many families, you may want to create a schedule to help you stay organized and keep your sanity. Whether the kids are at home or school, these days can be tense. If you are looking for a great stay-at-home schedule, take a look at this guide designed for those stressed-out mamas by mom coach experts

What To Consider When Creating a Personalized Schedule

If you are a stay-at-home mom, an organized schedule is essential. With a great plan, you can keep your little ones on task and prioritize the daily activities that you have to get done. Here are a few things you will want to think about when creating a stay-at-home schedule for you.

Are you feeling a little stressed out trying to juggle your mental health and family responsibilities? Reach out to Ray of Solace to schedule a consultation!

Always Prioritize Sleep

You know when your kids don’t get enough sleep, it can lead to a bunch of cranky kids in your household. Plus, you need to think about your sleep schedule. If you don’t get enough sleep, you will feel drained. Along with that, you will be struggling throughout the day. 

If you want an easier day for yourself, create a restful sleep schedule. You will want to set a nap time for your kids. You can use this time to get some household chores done or settle down for your own power nap. Think about making an effective wind-down routine so that your kids can get in a healthy nap. You might not be able to sleep during the day, but you can schedule to go to sleep at a reasonable time. When you start to adjust those sleep times, you and the kids will feel refreshed and ready to start the day

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Kick Off the Day with a Bang

Some moms will want to start the day before their little ones wake up for the day. While you might have to check off those items on your to-do list, take this opportunity to devote yourself. Take advantage of those early morning hours to grab a cup of coffee, exercise, meditate, or do whatever is needed to get you into the right mindset for the day.

If you try to tackle something and can’t get it done before the kiddos wake up, that can lead to frustration for the rest of the day. Another tip: you might want to set up your home the night before you go to bed. Pull out clothes, breakfast items, and coffee ahead of time and have them ready to go. With that, you don’t have to search around for your essential items to start the day.

Schedule Those Necessities

When it comes time to create your own schedule, you need to get down to the basics. This framework should include things that cannot be moved, such as dropping off the kids at school, lunchtimes, and pick-up times. Once you get these times set in stone, you can add those little extras into your schedule. 

However, avoid the biggest problem: overstuffing your stay-at-home schedule. Remember that you need some breathing room so that you and the family can relax. An overzealous schedule will lead to burnout throughout the family. 

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Add Some Downtime

With that, don’t forget that you can schedule a little quiet time. You want to create a schedule, but don’t fill every minute with activities. When your schedule is packed, it can lead to a lot of stress. Plus, if you don’t get everything accomplished, you might feel like a failure.

So how do you create time to wind down? Make sure to enforce those naps time for your little ones. You might want to use that power nap for yourself. While nighttime might seem like an excellent opportunity to get work done, make sure to use that time to take time to relax.

Create Your Own Home Routines

When you are a stay-at-home mom, you will want to create a routine for your home. These routines can include tidying up, cooking, cleaning, organizing, and maintenance. If you have some of these tasks on your schedule, you can take time to accomplish them throughout the day. 

You might want to create “chore cards” for your children to build life skills and confidence with these tasks. Remember that you are the parent, and you should never allow your kids to dictate the home routine. If you have several kids, make sure that everyone naps, eats lunch, and goes to bed at the same time. 

While you may want to give your children a little independence, it is never a good idea to give them complete control. Keep in mind that you want to have a routine that will work for everyone, including all the adults and little ones.

Along with that, think about creating a mini routine for the whole family. Those routines that are on auto-pilot are the best for everyone. As a mom, you are responsible for keeping everyone on schedule while still allowing them to have fun. These tasks can be as simple as clearing plates from snack time to picking up toys in the playroom. 

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Make a Self-Care Checklist

While you might be focused on taking care of the home and kids, stay-at-home moms need a little downtime for themselves. With a simple checklist, you can make sure you set aside time to relax, eat, sleep, and bathe. Once you are refreshed and relaxed, you can give time to provide love to your little ones.

By creating a stay-at-home mom schedule, you can take control of your life. With these schedules, you can get everything done without losing control of the household. Plus, you can reduce stress and take some time for yourself. Being a stay-at-home mom can be difficult, but you can end that frustration with a schedule that fits your needs. 

Are you experiencing a little stress from raising kids and organizing your home as a stay-at-home mom? Make sure to contact Ray of Solace to gain a little home-life balance!

Stay at Home Mom Questions You May Be Asking

It can sometimes be a little challenging to create a schedule and stick to them. As a mom, your day is filled with chaotic energy, scrounging around, and trying to make sure everything gets done. It’s hectic, but it’s worth ensuring that the home stays functioning as a mother. Of course, there are more than enough questions that SAHM or soon-to-be SAHM have, but maybe these answers will give you some clarity.

How do I schedule my day at home?

It’s essential to find out your priorities and how you can find balance. It cannot be straightforward, but you’ll need to figure out a proper system that works. This system needs to play into what you have to do each day to ensure everyone is well taken care of, but you can’t forget about self-care. So figure out what has to be done every day, such as feeding, playing, meal-time, cleaning, and factor. Don’t forget to factor in your daily habits too.

What should stay-at-home moms do all day?

It all depends on the age of their children and their schedules. For SAHM to create a schedule, they will need to know everyone else’s plans in their home. This includes properly coordinating doctor appointments for the family, after-school activities, home care, and when the household gets home for the day.

What’s a good schedule for a SAHM?

It depends on what works for her. Everyone will have a schedule that works for them, so any sort of cookie-cutter schedule simply won’t work. Cookie-cutter schedules can give a SAHM a general idea of how they could do things, it simply doesn’t mean that they’re the answer to creating a good schedule.

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