Making Your Own Moby Wrap: Simple & Easy [No Sewing]

Last Updated on April 23, 2022 by Ray

Babywearing has gained popularity in recent years as advocates of attachment parenting tout its positive benefits on cognitive and emotional development. As mom coaches, we know that attachment parenting evolved from the idea that babies thrive when their caregivers constantly meet their needs. The same ideology also believes that old practices like leaving babies to cry it out cause lifelong anxiety disorders.

And if you are in the pro babywearing camp, you have likely compared all of the options for babywearing apparatuses. Among them, the moby-style wrap offers the ultimate snuggly bonding experience. This wrap style is made from a single piece of fabric that wraps around the baby and mother to create a custom-fit cradle.

Try out this simple and easy moby wrap if you want to get more things done without sacrificing bonding time with your infant.

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Benefits of Babywearing

First, let’s talk about why babywearing is so popular and why you might want to try out a DIY Moby wrap in the first place! The extra bonding time with mama helps the baby develop good cognitive and social skills. It can reduce anxiety and support healthy emotional development. And, because the baby spends less time laying down, it helps prevent that unsightly flat head situation.

Most babies find moby wraps to be quite comfy. After all, you spent 40 weeks walking around with them in tow, and now that they are out in the world, they might miss the comforting cadence of your walk. If your baby enjoys rocking, cradling, or even movement in the car, they are a good candidate for babywearing. And mama’s will enjoy a baby that is happier, giving everyone’s ears a break from the crying.

There is just one problem. Commercial babywearing devices are really expensive and sometimes limited in colors and patterns. If you want to save some cash while having more flexibility in choosing what your wrap looks like, this DIY pattern is perfect for you.

Ray of Solace coaching is committed to helping mamas navigate the postpartum period with grace. We use an empathetic approach to provide loving support, gently guiding you through life’s difficult moments. Learn more today.

Moby Wrap Tutorial

If you are hesitant to DIY with this wrap because you think your crafting skills are lacking or you just don’t get along with a sewing machine—relax; it is simple. There is no sewing or extraordinary talent required to pull this one-off.

Materials for a DIY Moby Wrap

You will need a soft, breathable muslin or knit fabric, a pair of scissors, and your baby. If you get a 5.5-yard cut, you should be able to make two wraps by cutting the material lengthwise. Knit fabrics don’t fray and make the best choice for a no-sew project. If you opt for muslin for its breathability, you might need someone to hem the edges of the fabric for you.

To make things easy, ask the lady at the fabric store to cut your fabric lengthwise, leaving you with the two pieces. They have the perfect tools for cutting long, straight lines in lengths of fabric.

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Wrapping Directions

The rest of the project is basically learning how to wrap your baby for a comfortable, secure carry. First, you will need to find the middle of the wrap. Some people like to put a tag made out of a different material to make it easy to identify the middle. But this will require modest sewing skills, so consider your skills and needs. A permanent marker could probably accomplish the same goal.

Once you have the middle, center the wrap and place it around your waist with the ends crossing behind you. Use one hand to secure the wrap behind your back and the other to draw one of the tails over your shoulder and secure it under the wrap around your waist. Do the same with the other tail so that the straps cross in the back and tuck through the belt in the front. 

Make sure that the tails hanging toward your feet are even. Adjust the wrap as necessary until they are even. You don’t want it too tight, but you should have snug, even tension throughout the whole wrap. Cross the front tails and tie them in a knot behind your back. Make sure to follow the same knot pattern (e.g., right over left, right over left) for a knot that can be easily undone. 

Now, it is time to add the baby. Slide one leg into one front pouch and the other into the other front pouch. Next, pull the belly strap up over the baby’s back to create a snug place for the baby to rest. Everything should feel secure. Please note that the moby-style wrap is only designed for front-wearing.

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Safety Tips for Baby Wearing

Babywearing is a good way to connect with your baby while being able to get things done. While this is true, it’s still important to ensure your baby is carried properly and safely. Some tips for safely wearing your baby can be found here. 

Ensure Proper Neck and Head Support 

Until your baby can control their neck and head well, you need to make sure the carrying method you choose provides the needed support. Never carry an infant facing out until they are in complete control of head and neck movements. 

Keep the Face Clear

While carrying your baby inward is necessary until they can control their neck and head, you need to make sure their face remains clear, so there are no breathing issues. Be sure the baby’s face can be seen and that their chin isn’t tucked because this can compress the airway. 

Protect Your Baby’s Hips

You need to ensure your baby is positioned properly in your chosen carrier. There’s a risk of hip dislocation or dysplasia if you don’t. Ensure the carrier method you choose supports the baby’s thighs and that their legs don’t dangle straight down. 

Check the Carrier for Wear and Tear

Before you use any carrier, a moby carrier, or a different type, you need to check to ensure there’s no damage or broken parts. This includes rips and tears in the material or any other problems that may impact your little one’s safety.

Making Your Own Moby Wrap Final Thoughts

Babywearing is popular and has many advantages that can help you keep your sanity while benefiting your baby’s development. Many commercial baby carriers are expensive. There is no reason to spend $40, $50, or more dollars on what is essentially a piece of fabric that you can buy at the fabric store for a few dollars. One 5-5.5 yard length of knit fabric can make two moby-style wraps giving you a spare for the wash. But DIY is not for everyone and when you are tired and don’t have the energy to experiment, it might be worth it to just pick one up on amazon and have it the next day.

Ray of Solace provides nurturing support for new mamas struggling with the transition to motherhood. There are many challenges to raising babies, and while everyone expects it to be rewarding and fulfilling, nobody mentions that it can stretch your limits. If you are struggling, now is the time to reach out and get the support that you need. Contact us today.

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